Monday, January 31, 2011

Whom are beans mirroring?

Really quickly- a brilliant piece of computer generated prose "poetry." Pretty obfuscated, but somehow meaningful in completely bizarre abstract ways. Says a little bit about the role of intention. If this was written by a human I would make them Poet Laureate of the universe. I guess the best poetry comes from randomness. Somehow our lovely soulful word associations stifle our options. I wish I knew how this program works- I can't find a working download anywhere.

The royal fountain: the anxiety of college. We shifted. Disaster is shirt between the feeling and the sentence during the offer of memory, and the county of woman between the fountain and the play is the beauty's candle. Vistas (certain ranges) fought to reach their opportunity. Though the beat never crashed, she was struggling. She is justice like gin, and my route will march. Whom are beans mirroring? The speed's vacuum is maintaining the decision.

The rest here.

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